We are happy to share with you the launch of our innovative website. At Aquavia Spa, our constant commitment is to seek ways to evolve and offer you the best possible experience, both in our products and in our online presence.


A visual and functional revolution

After months of dedication and effort, we present to you a redesigned website that is not only more intuitive and visually impressive, but also enhances the intrinsic beauty of our wellness centers. We want each visit to our website to be a unique experience, reflecting the quality and design of our products. Here are some of the features and improvements we have implemented:

  • Innovative design: The new design highlights the aesthetics of our wellness centers, allowing the images to speak for themselves. We have created a space where each product takes center stage, inviting you to explore every detail through our lens.
  • Clear and accessible information: We know how important it is to have direct and understandable information at your fingertips. That’s why we have transformed the way we present our wellness centers, accompanying the descriptions with images that capture the essence of each model, facilitating your selection process.
  • Personalized shopping assistant: With the aim of making your choice as simple and accurate as possible, we have developed a shopping assistant. This interactive tool will guide you step by step, ensuring that you find the perfect wellness center to meet your needs and desires.
  • Updated distributor map: To always know where to find our products, we have optimized the functionality and design of our distributor and after-sales service map, making it easier than ever to locate the nearest sales point to you.




Registration of your wellness center: In our ongoing quest to provide exceptional service, we will soon launch a new section to allow owners of an Aquavia Spa to register their product. This functionality will not only allow us to further personalize our assistance, but will also keep you updated on everything related to your wellness center. Stay tuned for further details!


An invitation to discovery…


We invite you to immerse yourself in the new digital experience of Aquavia Spa, where each click brings you closer to the wellness center of your dreams. We are convinced that these improvements will enrich your interaction with our brand. Visit the new Aquavia Spa website and discover for yourself the perfect fusion of technology, design, and comfort that only Aquavia Spa can offer.


Welcome to the digital future of Aquavia Spa!